*******WATERFRONT!! OVER 2 ACRES!! *** 2 TMS#'S!! ***ATTENTION BUILDES / DEVELOPERS /LARGE TIDAL CREEK Compound!! -- TWO(2) PROPERTIES SOLD TOGETHER! **ALMOST 2.25 ACRES! **TIDAL CREEK (LEADS DIRECTLY TO DEEP WATER, AND CHARLESTON HARBOR!!) --------------------------CENTER OF JAMES ISLAND! **5 MINUTES TO DOWNTOWN CHARLESTON! **POSSIBLE Multiple HOME BUILD OPPORTUNITY! -- OR FAMILY COMPOUND!! -- THE SKY IS TRULY THE LIMIT HERE!---- CITY WATER IS AT STREET! -----------**(SEE DOCUMENTS; (Plat, Water & Sewer Info, Wetlands, etc...) SALE INCLUDES ** TWO(2) PROPERTIES! (679 & 683 Riley Road) (TMS# 340-07-00-032 and 340-07-00-034) -- 160 feet on the Creek. BUYER RESP. FOR ALL DUE DILIGENCE***ATTENTION AGENTS - ALL INFO AVAILABLE IS POSTED TO THIS MLS, AND IN THE DOCUMENTS SECTION- Please review, and share with your clients! ----Property does have a small strip of wetlands that cut across the larger tract, making the back of the property somewhat inaccessible by vehicle, without building a bridge (Quote 100K) or obtaining an easement from the neighboring parcel(s) - Hence the low list price. **Seller is looking for a buyer who wants to build on the front lot, and use the back lot as recreation, or for future use.
ประเภท | ชื่อ | ชื่ออำเภอ |
High | James Island Charter | ไม่สามารถใช้ได้ |
Elementary | Murray Lasaine | ไม่สามารถใช้ได้ |
Middle | Camp Road | ไม่สามารถใช้ได้ |
Juniorhigh | Camp Road | ไม่สามารถใช้ได้ |
ส่งอีเมลสอบถามได้ที่ Atlantic Edge Real Estate
รหัสอสังหาริมทรัพย์: 110086960020