500012275017 - Seabreeze Hills - Stunning Ocean View lots in Cap Estate -Lots B - The lots at Seabreeze are some of the best land available in St. Lucia, and because of that, they are always in high demand.Enjoy panoramic ocean views and the Anse Galet where the Caribbean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean. Bask in views of the Sunset and the Sunrise on this majestic Caribbean island.What really makes the lots stand out is their location in Cap Estate - just 10 minutes from the Rodney Bay Marina, Rodney Bay Shopping Centre and Gros Islet town which are the northern hubs for some of the region's amenities, schools, restaurants, galleries, duty-free shops, entertainment, banks, beaches and much more.As you drive into the gated community, you are struck by the dramatic ocean views and scenic hills. For convenience and lifestyle, lot buyers want a lot that offers it all.Cap Estate is the islands utmost upscale residential area and continues to attract residents looking for the tranquillity and beauty of the island.Sea Breeze Hills and Sea Breeze Heights offer just that: 60 luxury home sites situated on the northern tip of the island, overlooking Martinique and Jack Nicklaus' championship golf course - just one minute away.The second phase of this development. Sea Breeze Hills is currently available for purchase.The size of these lots ranges between 1/2 acre and 1 acre.Lot prices start at $200, 000 and up to $450, 000.There are four-floor plans for luxury model homes to choose from or you can build your very own design.There is also a rental management programme that will rent out your property whilst you are not in residence on the island. We've been informed that a return of 6% per annum on your investment is more than likely from this programme.Lot 103This lot abounds lot #102 to the left and slopes toward Anse Galet bay. Lot #103 faces north, North West with unobstructed views of the Bay and the western end of the French island of Martinique.The suggested home design is a multi-storey home using the slope of the land to create split levels that will capture the full view of the bay and the setting sun.Size: 56, 207 sq ft.Price: $12 USD/ sq ft. or $674, 484 USD ($1, 821, 107 XCD)Lot 104This lot abounds lot #103 to the left and slopes toward Anse Galet Bay. Lot #104 faces North West with unobstructed views of the Bay and the French island of Martinique across the 20-mile Caribbean /Atlantic Channel.The suggested home design is a multi-storey home using the slope of the land to create split levels that will capture the ocean views from every point/section of your home.Size: 56, 665 sq ft.Price: $12 USD/ sq ft. or $679, 980 USD ($1, 835, 946 XCD)Lot 108This unique lot faces the northeast and slopes downward to the Atlantic Ocean and natural waterways marked as green space. The lot has a fantastic view of the French island of Martinique to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the east.The suggested home design is a multi-storey home using the slope of the land to create split levels that will capture the magnificent views of Martinique and the rising sun over the Atlantic from every point/section of your home.Size: 45, 584 sq ft.Price: $12 USD/ sq ft. or $547, 008 USD ($1, 476, 922 XCD)Lot 118This lot is located at the main entrance just right of the roundabout. This lot slopes gently from the main road and has a fantastic view of the northeastern Atlantic Ocean and the eastern point of the French island of Martinique to the left.The suggested home design is a multi-storey home using the slope of the land to create split levels that will capture the magnificent views of Martinique and the rising sun over the Atlantic from every point/section of your home.Size: 42, 882 sq ft.Price: $12 USD/ sq ft. or $514, 584 USD (1, 389, 377 XCD)Lot 119This lot is located at the main entrance and slopes gently from the roundabout. Has a fantastic view of the northeastern Atlantic Ocean and the eastern point of the French island of Martinique to the left.T