The property is 24 acres and is located in the neighborhood of Cocoa Walk, an older type agricultural/residential community in the parish of Manchester. The area comprises mainly bungalow residences on medium and large parcels of land. The current development trend in the area is of middle-income status. Cocoa Walk has great potential for residential development due primarily to improvements in the transportation network in the community and other services such as telephone and electricity among others. Its close proximity to the town of Cross Keys makes it an ideal location as there is access to the Police Station, Hospital and High School. In addition, the accessibility of this property to the growing towns of Alligator Pond, Newport, Knock Patrick and Mandeville, the primary commercial areas with shopping, entertainment and banking facilities has greatly enhanced the attractiveness of the area. To note, Mandeville the major commercial district and parish capital has seen continued development as a choice town for returning and local residents.