In the heart of the picturesque Prigord Noir, in the historical village of Cadouin, stands an authentic house spanning three levels. On the ground floor, discover a dining room, a kitchen, a covered terrace, a utility room, and an inviting living room. Ascend to the first floor, where you'll find a landing, a versatile office space, a bathroom, a cozy living area, a bedroom en-suite bathroom, and a serene terrace. Journey to the second floor, greeted by a landing leading to a comforting bedroom, a bathroom, and yet another inviting living space. Ascend further to the third floor, where a captivating living area awaits beneath the rustic attic beams. This unique property, with its distinctive layout across multiple levels, each exuding its own historical charm and cultural significance, beckons to those in search of a residence steeped in the rich heritage of Cadouin and the Prigord Noir. While renovation work is necessary, including upgrades to electrical systems, insulation, windoaws and heating, as well as an overall rejuvenation to restore its former glory, this property is an opportunity to own a piece of history. Sold unfurnished. Don't hesitate to contact our notary office for an initial visit to this unique and promising property for sale.
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