7-Zimmer Wohnhaus mit grossem Grundstck und Neubaupotenzial In der malerischen Umgebung des Kanton Freiburg, eingebettet in eine ruhige und sonnige Lage, prsentiert sich dieses Grundstck (1559m2) mit Baupotenzial. Das Grundstck ist vollstndig erschlossen. Der Anschluss an die Fernwrme ist mglich. (Grundanschluss schon vorhanden) Die Wohnzone mit schwacher Dichte, in guter Wohnumgebung ist je nach Bedrfnis fr ein Einfamilienhaus/Doppelhaus oder mehr geeignet. Dieses Abbauobjekt erffnet kreative Mglichkeiten fr eine Neugestaltung. Die Stadt Freiburg und das Naherholungsgebiet Schwarzsee sind in gut erreichbarer Nhe. Genaue Adresse verfgbar nach Registrierung auf neho.ch. AN EINER BESICHTIGUNG INTERESSIERT? BITTE ANMELDEN as 7-room house with large plot In the picturesque setting of the canton of Fribourg, nestled in a quiet and sunny location, presents this plot of land (1559m2) with building potential. The land is fully serviced. Connection to district heating is possible. (basic connection already exists) The low-density residential area, in a good residential environment, is suitable as required for a single/double house or more. This demolition object opens up creative possibilities for redevelopment. The city of Freiburg and the Black Lake recreation area are nearby. Exact address available after registration on neho.ch. WOULD YOU LIKE TO VISIT? PLEASE REGISTER FIRST: 7-room house with large plot and building potential In the picturesque surroundings of the canton of Fribourg, nestled in a quiet and sunny location, this plot (1559m2) presents itself with building potential. The plot is fully developed. Connection to district heating is possible. (basic connection already available) The low-density residential zone in a good residential environment is suitable for a detached house/duplex or more, depending on requirements. This demolition property opens up creative possibilities for redevelopment. The city of Freiburg and the Schwarzsee recreational area are within easy reach. Exact address available upon registration on neho.ch. INTERESTED IN VISITING THE PROPERTY? PLEASE REGISTER FIRST :
Email enquiry to Neho
Property ID: 310097508471