MIXED FIELD IN BOLIVAR WITH EXCELLENT PROFITABILITY. OPPORTUNITY Location and Access: 360 km from Buenos Aires, accessed by route 226 and 9 km from the asphalt by dirt road in very good condition. It borders the Vallimanca stream, giving an excellent view, and access to fishing. Characteristics of the field: The field has 65% of its surface with agricultural aptitude (200 hectares rented in 12.5 qq), Class III soils, sandy loam, suitable for planting soybeans, sorghum, wheat, with productivity index 59, the average soybean yield in the 18/19 campaign was 40 qq. The remaining 35%, (100 hectares rented in 60 kg) is a livestock field with excellent receptivity, within this 15% very good for planting pastures or greens. Features of the improvements: Divided into 5 paddocks, 1 mill with tank. Wiring in regular condition. Manga and corrals, good eucalyptus forest for shade. The power lines pass through the gate of the field. Purchase conditions: Contact us The data provided are merely illustrative, being subject to the validation that arises from the title deed or Municipal plans. The sale is subject to compliance by the owner with the provisions of General Resolution No. 2371 of the AFIP.